Hem- Forest Incense Hexa

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Do you love the smell of fresh, natural incense?

If so, you'll love Hem-Forest Incense Hexa! These Agarbatti are hand-rolled according to the traditional natural purity masala method, resulting in an intense, pure scent that quickly fills any room. Additionally, Hem-Forest Incense Hexa masks unpleasant odors, making it perfect for use in the home or office. And when you're done, the ash can be cleaned up effortlessly.

Features & Benefits:

-Intense, pure scent
-Masks have unpleasant odors
-Easy to clean up

How it works: Hem-Forest Incense Hexa is made using the traditional natural purity masala method. This involves hand-rolling the incense sticks to release the intense, pure scent.

To use, simply light the incense stick and allow it to burn for approximately one hour.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Navan Ratre
Spiritual Healing

It has an earthy aroma with the charm of real sandal woods. The incense has the power to bring dreams to true.

Dear Navan Ratre, I'm glad you like the way the incense smells and its ability to bring dreams to reality! Thank you for your review.